Hundreds of A level students learned their exam results today - and contributed to an overall pass rate of 98.2 per cent, which equals the previous highest pass rate of 2010.
The percentage of passes at A* was 8.3 per cent, the highest since this grade was introduced five years ago.
Education Minister Tim Crookall said: 'It is enormously important for the Island to have good educational outcomes like this. I would like to congratulate our students and schools on today’s excellent results. Good A level results reflect a great deal of hard work on the part of both students and staff, as well as considerable support from parents.
'Whether these young people are taking up university or college places, or entering the world of work, I would like to wish them every success in the future. I would also like to remind those heading off to university that the Isle of Man has excellent employment opportunities to offer them when they have completed their studies.'
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