The annual Isle of Man Film Festival gets under way on Sunday September 8 with an audience with artist Roger Dean, who will talk about his work with renowned director Terry Gilliam.
The agenda through to September 13 includes a movie night under the stars, an exclusive opportunity to see 'Take Down', a Pinewood Pictures film shot here in 2014, and a talk by film critic Mark Kermode. The week culminates in a short film screening and awards ceremony with a screening of all shortlisted films and a chance for the audience to vote for their favourite.
A festival spokesman said: 'The Isle of Man Film Festival is gaining more and more international recognition within the film community which the number of entries for the short film competition and the supportive messages from film industry professionals received proves. What exciting events we have planned at this year’s Isle of Man Film Festival.'
Pictured are the film festival team with co-founders Christy DeHaven and Dave Armstrong.
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