More than 700 local employers are being asked for details of pay and patterns of employment as part of the annual Earnings Survey carried out by Government’s Economic Affairs unit.The survey is conducted using a random sample of 1,780 employees and a questionnaire is sent to the last known employer of each. The identities of employers and employees are kept strictly confidential throughout the process.
Head of Economic Affairs Kirsty Hemsley explained:
‘The survey provides current information on levels of pay and patterns of employment, which is essential for our understanding of what is happening in the Island’s economy. ‘This data is not available from other sources and it is analysed in terms of gender, age, occupation, industry, length of service, basic weekly hours and overtime hours as well as gross earnings.‘Government very much appreciates the co-operation of employers in providing this valuable information.’Businesses are being contacted either by email or letter with a link to the questionnaire for completion online. Advice, assistance and paper copies are available from Economic Affairs on 685752 or
As employers in the Isle of Man selected companies are legally required to supply information for the survey under the Statistics Act 1999. Court proceedings have recently been concluded against two local businesses who did not comply with the survey last year, with each business receiving a ?2,000 fine.
The response rate for last year’s survey was 99%.