A Paralympic taster event could get young people involved in sport for the first time, it’s hoped. Manx Sport and Recreation (MSR) is holding its first Paralympic Day at the National Sports Centre on Tuesday 28th July.
‘The event is open to everyone aged eight to 18, regardless of whether or not they have a disability,’ said Zoe Crowe, Disability Sports Development Officer with MSR.
‘Participants can try out sports that feature in the Paralympic Games, plus additional sports, under the guidance of our staff and coaches from governing bodies.’ The morning session from 9am to 1pm will feature badminton, boccia, wheelchair sports and table tennis. The afternoon session from 1pm to 4.30pm will feature judo, acoustic shooting, athletics and kwik cricket.
It costs ?7.50 per session and participants can attend one or both sessions but should bring a packed lunch if staying all day.
Zoe said:
‘As well as the obvious physical benefits, our Sports Strategy 2014-2024 recognises the boost that involvement in sport brings to the quality of life and social wellbeing of those with disabilities. ‘We hope to hold more activities that open up sport to people with disabilities.’ Paralympic Day is part of MSR and the Youth Service’s Summer Programme. To sign up, visit
www.gov.im/media/1347812/youth-services-brochure-2015-opt.pdf or ring 688575.
The event follows National Paralympic Day (26th July), run by the British Paralympic Association. The next Paralympic Games take place in Rio, Brazil, in September 2016.