Primary school children around the Island were given the opportunity to compete in regional cricket festivals this month.
The Department of Education and Children’s Sports Development Unit with continued sponsorship from Sure Isle of Man, organised festivals of Kwik Cricket – a short form of the sport.
The Isle of Man Strategy for Sport aims to increase the number of children participating in one hour of sport per day.
Regional festivals saw over 430 children competing over four days ending in finals matches at Cronkbourne Cricket Club. A team from Cronk Y Berry School, ‘Cronk Y Berry Alphas’ won the final in their age range, after one of the finals had to be cancelled due to poor weather.
In preparation for the festivals, primary school pupils were able to develop their cricket skills during physical education classes and after-school clubs.
Michael Haslett, Community Sports Development Officer said: “Cricket is a fantastic game for children to develop their finer motor skills in batting, bowling, throwing, catching and fielding, whilst working together as a team. The quality of cricket has been excellent, with the children thoroughly enjoying themselves during the festivals.”
He added: “Our thanks must go to the Isle of Man Cricket Association and various cricket clubs across the Island for providing equipment, venues and volunteers to make the event happen. Particular thanks to Tom Howard from Ramsey Cricket Club for his enthusiasm facilitating the four day event, and Vagabonds RUFC for their assistance.”
Friday 10th, July 2015 11:09pm.