Minister for Health and Social Care, Howard Quayle MHK has welcomed the publication of the Health Services Consultative Committee’s Annual Report for 2014-2015, thanking the Committee for its hard work during a year in which the Department has undergone significant change and progress.
The Health Services Consultative Committee (HSCC) provides independent scrutiny and advice on the performance, effectiveness and operation of the Island’s health services.
The Annual Report outlines the work of the HSCC during the period April 2014 – March 2015, setting out a number of observations and recommendations for the Department in relation to health services across the Island, and details a revised approach to the Committee’s focus for the next year.
“The Committee plays a valuable role as ‘critical friend’ to the Department looking at the effectiveness of delivery across the full spectrum of health services and providing objective scrutiny of activities and performance,” Minister Quayle explained.
“The Department will now take some time to consider the Report’s recommendations and looks forward to continuing the open dialogue between the Department and the Committee, supporting the process of change and the provision of quality health services.”
The report highlights the significant changes that have taken place within the Department and notes the challenges that those changes have brought. The Committee observed that despite these challenges, staff continue to work together with a positive attitude focussing on their operational responsibilities.
Areas of success, such as improved communication through patient safety walks, positive provision of intermediate care by Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital, the collective drive to recruit and retain nurses, and the establishment of the independently chaired Quality Improvement Programme Board, are noted in the report.
The Committee has also considered what priorities it will focus on during the year and has agreed to support health services with a revised approach by linking committee members with a relevant lead officer within the Department.
Wednesday 8th, July 2015 10:55pm.