Following an extremely successful event in the Arboretum at St Johns last year, the One World Centre is planning an exciting follow up to the Global Village this Tynwald Day, 6th July.Once again the Arboretum will echo to the sound of music and song from around the world, and visitors will be able to enjoy the smell and taste of food from exotic cuisines.
Performances include African singing and dance, didgeridoo and harp playing, Bulgarian folk and Bollywood dancing as well as a variety of martial arts. There will be food from India, Africa, the Philippines and the Caribbean.
The Global Village is a celebration of all the cultures represented on the Isle of Man and also showcases the work of Manx charities operating overseas. Some of those present will be Excellent Development, Mannin Africa Sponsors International, Ro-man-Aid, Manasvi and Amnesty International.
The Island’s Fairtrade Group will be selling fairly traded goods and the Manx Co-operative will be making Fairtrade smoothies on their smoothie bike. The Isle of Man Chinese Association will also be attending and translating Manx names into Chinese script.
Rosemary Clarke, director of the One World Centre, says,
“The Global Village is intended to bring an international dimension to the Manx National Day and remind us we are part of a much wider world while we reflect on our own history and heritage. “It’s a great opportunity for the other cultures represented on the Island to get tell a little bit of their own story and for the Manx charities who work overseas to demonstrate the impact they are having.“We are hoping the weather will be as kind as last year and invite everyone down to come and see us.” The Global Village is open from 10am with performances taking place from noon after the official Tynwald ceremony has finished.
For more information, please call the One World Centre on 800464 or email
Photo - African singers get in to the swing at last year’s event.