Infrastructure Minister Phil Gawne MHK has delegated political responsibility for the Housing Division to Department Member Chris Thomas MHK.
The Housing Division transferred to the Department of Infrastructure from the Department of Health and Social Care on 01 April 2015. The move was agreed by the Council of Ministers and approved by Tynwald Members at the March sitting.
The Division is the strategic and legislative lead for housing policy and reform, a landlord to 16% of the Isle of Man’s public sector tenants and a provider of housing assistance to more than 1,600 first-time buyers to date.
The affordable housing sector is a significant contributor to the Manx economy and the Division manages the development and delivery of a multi-million pound annual housing investment programme.
Minister Gawne said: ‘Housing policy is of paramount importance and I am looking forward to working with Mr Thomas and the division’s staff to enhance it.’
Mr Thomas, who is also the department member responsible for planning, added: ‘The Isle of Man has real housing issues. I saw this even more clearly when chairing the Landlord and Tenant Bill committee recently. I hope to be able to contribute to addressing these issues. Local authorities will be crucial partners and the connection between housing, social and planning policies needs to be recognised.’