Ramsey Commissioners' chairman Nigel Malpass has welcomed the news that the Post Office premises in the town will be saved.
The Post Office had planned to close the main branches in Ramsey and Douglas and open sub-post offices in nearby Spar shops in order to make savings. Thanks to a public outcry and the creation of a company made up of staff and local residents, post office services will continue to be offered in the old courthouse building in Ramsey.
The Regent Street, Douglas, branch will close and services relocated to the Spar in Strand Street.
Nigel Malpass, who was instrumental in securing the deal, said: 'Obtaining the contract was perhaps the easy part. The harder but more enjoyable part is to deliver a better service than is expected. You know I believe the most valuable asset a company has is the people that work for it.
'For company read community. I am delighted but not surprised that the 27 volunteers from all over the north who came together prepared the tender in less than 7 weeks. As is being said tonight "The heartbeat just got stronger".'
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