Members of the public who have a grievance should be able to get political support online and not have to line up in an ancient ceremony enacted on Tynwald Day.
That's the message from the Positive Action Group, which is calling on the government to adopt an e- petition system similar to that already available in Wales.
PAG says the suggestion should be considered by a government that is promoting digital inclusion and that e-petitions should be up and running in time for the new administration in 2016.
A spokesman said: 'If you've got a matter which you'd like politicians to consider soon it will be time to get that special dress or smart suit out of the wardrobe in order to approach Tynwald Hill, via the processional path, on Tynwald Day to present your own Petition of Redress to the Honourable Members of the Court. It may be presented only when the Court is assembled at St John's.
'Shortly after Tynwald Day the Standing Orders Committee of Tynwald considers your Petition and determines whether or not it is in order. If it is, you then wait for something to happen. A Tynwald Member has to pick up the Petition and table it for debate in Tynwald Court. Depending on what happens in the debate, your Petition may be referred to a Select Committee of Tynwald and recommendations made. The process is not quick.'
PAG says of the 28 people who presented petitions on Tynwald Day over the past five years only three were successful in having their issue examined by select committee.
The spokesman said: 'Why not make the system much simpler, far less formal, more immediate and more responsive? Create a process whereby anyone, at any time, can submit an e-petition.
'Such a system is available to residents in Wales in which they are able to ask the National Assembly to
take action.'
The issue will be debated at PAG's annual general meeting on Monday April 20 at the Manx Legion Club in Douglas. The meeting starts at 7pm and will be followed by an open discussion.
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