Beach Buddies founder Bill Dale has condemned the theft of a loaned animal cage from the charity's newly opened visitor centre at Niarbyl.
'To steal from anyone is wrong, but to steal from a charity is simply unforgiveable,' he said. 'The item stolen is not highly valuable but we are simply lost for words to find that someone would steal from an organisation which we hope is appreciated by the people of the Isle of Man.'
He's appealing for the return of the animal trap that had been loaned to Beach Buddies by the MSPCA: 'Quite what anyone would gain buy stealing an animal trap of this sort when they are offered free of charge by the MSPCA is outside of our thinking.
'Otherwise, if it is not returned, our charity loses the ?50 deposit. So, if this message is read by the thief, maybe you might like to go back to Niarbyl and make yourself feel better.'
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