How to stay sane in the modern world is the theme of the talk by visiting World Renowned Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Raj Persaud when he visits the Isle of Man next month as a guest of recruitment agency Ambitions Ltd and Dr Helen Nightingale Chartered Clinical Psychologist.
Dr Raj Persaud will be explaining the techniques and skills anyone can learn to improve coping so that you can survive no matter what the modern world throws at you. This entertaining talk will be focussing on methods and techniques as well as anecdotes of his journey through TV land. Taking place at The Sefton Hotel on Tuesday 21st April 2015 from 6:30pm. This is a FREE event open to everyone although those wishing to attend are asked to registered by emailing
Sharon Kissack noted “We are so pleased that Dr Persaud has agreed to come to the Island for this event. With all the stresses of the modern world many people struggle to cope at different times. It is hoped that this entertaining and informative talk may provide members of the island community with realistic strategies to get through the tough periods”
Island Consultant Clinical Psychologist Dr Helen Nightingale has over 35 years’ experience within the industry and has recently launched a Sleep Clinic Facility at her consulting rooms in Derby Square, Douglas. The Sleep clinic is a clinical comprehensive service offered to the public with assistance of local GP Dr Frank Vaughan and Sleep Physiologist Mark McEnroe who specialises in the field of Sleep Apnea.
Dr Nightingale stated “I am pleased to be welcoming my colleague Dr Persaud to the Island to provide this informative and entertaining talk in line with the launch of the new Sleep Clinic which will be able to offer private patients a 90 minute comprehensive sleep assessments to identify and diagnose the nature of the sleep problems and offer the most up-to-date cognitive/ behavioural techniques to improve the quality of sleep.”
Further information regarding the Sleep Clinic can be seen by visiting or telephoning 01624 617740.
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