Do you fancy baking a cake to help raise funds for the Family Library?
The library, which is run on a charitable basis, is holding a bring and buy cake sale next Friday (April 10).
Librarian in charge Mary Cousins said: ‘We hope to have something for everyone – as long as they like cake!
‘Those of you out there who enjoy baking cakes, we would love it if you could donate a cake for the sale. We’ll also be happy to receive biscuits and savoury cakes.
‘But don’t worry if you’re skill lies at the other end of the chain and your greatest interest is eating cakes, we want to see you there to buy the produce that is on sale!’
Even if cakes aren’t your thing, next Friday you could always try your hand at the Animal Wobblehead door hanger craft drop-in that is taking place on the same day. It costs ?2 to take part.
The cake sale comes at the end of a busy Easter holiday season, with more events to come in the second week of the school break:
Tuesday, April 7: Cake decorating, 11am-2.30pm (?2). Cone Head animal craft, 2pm-4pm (?2.50).
Wednesday, April 8: Visit by Dolittles animal assisted healing organisation, including giant rabbits Robbie and Mr Bumble. 11am (?3).
Thursday, April 9: Funny Face craft, 3pm-4pm (?2).
April 10: Animal Wobblehead door hanger craft drop-in (?2). Cake bring and buy sale. Help raise funds for the library by donating cakes for the sale – and buying some others for yourself!
April 11: Monster Mouth Sticky Fingers, 10.30am-midday (?2).
If you want to book a place at any of the events, call in at the library, which is next to the children’s playground in Westmoreland Road, Douglas, or call 640650.
The Family Library is a local charity. It is now possible to show your support by making a donation via the website
The website has everything you need to know about at the Family Library, Schools Service and Mobile Library.