Our first featured podcast is by David Eagleman and is titled "Can we create new senses for humans”. As humans, we can perceive less than a ten-trillionth of all light waves. “Our experience of reality,” says neuroscientist David Eagleman, “is constrained by our biology.” He wants to change that. His research into our brain processes has led him to create new interfaces to take in previously unseen information about the world around us.
Our second podcast features Joseph DeSimone and is titled "What if 3D Printing was 100x Faster". What we think of as 3D printing, says Joseph DeSimone, is really just 2D printing over and over ... slowly. Onstage at TED2015, he unveils a bold new technique — inspired, yes, by Terminator 2 — that's 25 to 100 times faster, and creates smooth, strong parts. Could it finally help to fulfill the tremendous promise of 3D printing? This session will also feature a live traditional 3D printer on show and in action.
This event is free of charge and all are welcome to attend. If you would like to register for this event please visit: