This week, Ballakermeen High School and four primary schools – Andreas, Arbory, Ballaugh and Bunscoill Ghaelgagh – will share with parents the comments from an external validation of their School Self Review and Evaluation (SSRE).
‘The process of SSRE is continuous and requires schools to review all aspects of their work and make judgments about what they are doing well and where they need to take action to secure improvement’, explained Geoff Moorcroft, Director of Education. ‘The possible judgments are ‘significant strength’, ‘good’, ‘satisfactory’ and ‘action required’.
‘This process supports schools by making clear to them what high quality provision looks like and requiring them to offer the best possible learning opportunities for pupils,’ Mr Moorcroft said. ‘The Department of Education and Children believes the process has proved very effective in helping schools to improve their practice.
‘As the process is one of continual monitoring and evaluation, staff in schools can develop a clear idea for themselves of what is good and what needs to be improved. The validation process then supports schools in confirming that the judgments they have made are robust, by building in an external element.’
The first external validation cycle took place from 2008 to 2011 and a second validation cycle commenced in September 2013, Mr Moorcroft explained.
It involves an external validator, together with a DEC adviser, working with headteachers to review the evidence schools have used to make judgments and to quality assure their accuracy. The validating company, World Class Learning, was chosen from a number of companies that tendered for this work.
Any areas for improvement are then identified in the annual School Improvement Plan and are supported by the school’s link adviser.
Mr Moorcroft said: ‘The main aim of the validation process is to provide professional support to schools to help them to refine their own judgments. Once a school has been involved in this validation process, they will take the opportunity to share key outcomes with parents.’
Friday 27th, March 2015 10:09pm.