Ramsey Town Commissioners’ chairman Captain Nigel Malpass will not seek to serve a sixth term or be considered for a lead role in the Commission for the 2015-2016 municipal year.
Captain Malpass confirmed his decision at the Commission’s public board meeting held on Wednesday March 18th when he urged Members to consider carefully whom they would wish to take over the position of chairman, a role that demanded a considerable commitment in personal time. He said: ‘Over the five years I have served as chairman I have attended an average of around three official functions or meetings a week. I would estimate that those attendances combined with correspondence and dealing with ratepayers’ enquiries have required a weekly commitment of up to 20 hours. I have been honoured to carry out those duties but after five terms as chairman I believe it is time to step down.
‘With the 2015-2016 municipal year being the 150th anniversary of Ramsey Town Commissioner the role of chairman will be especially demanding, but also enjoyable and rewarding. I am confident that whoever the new incumbent might be, he or she will enjoy the full support and commitment of their fellow Members as I have these past five years.’
Nominations for the post of chairman will be invited at the Annual General Meeting of Ramsey Town Commissioners on Friday May 1st, 2015.
Monday 23rd, March 2015 10:07pm.