Pictured, left to right, are Mary Doyle from Hospice Isle of Man, Angela Katz, Swimming Development Officer, Lee Holland, National Swim Coach and Kath Andrews, Manager for the Western Swimming Pool and coordinator for Peel Swimming Club with a big 24!
They are pictured at the launch of The Big Swim taking place at the Western Swimming Pool in Peel which starts at 10am on Sunday 29th March. This is the second year this event has been held with the squad swimmers taking 2 lanes and swimming 24 hours in one-hour shifts. All interested swimmers should email the national coach on iomswimcoach@gmail.com.
Guest teams are invited to one-hour slots too with a maximum of 6 swimmers per team – minimum age is six years old. Time slots for visitors teams are available from 3pm onwards until 10am the next morning! Team entry is ?25 per team – contact Angela Katz on iomswimdevelopment@gmail.com to book your slot.
Hospice is the nominated charity to benefit with Isle of Man Swimming Association donating 10% of funds raised through their 24 hour swim with visiting teams having the ability to choice their own charity. Peel Swimming Club is also taking part in the event.
Mary Doyle thanked everyone for the support of the local hospice adding she was looking forward to event again adding that swimming development officer, Angela’s Cadbury’s cream egg brownie were the secret to staying awake during the long hours.

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