Feedback is being sought on the role, remit and operation of the Isle of Man’s Road Transport Licensing Committee (RTLC).
People working within the road transport industry and members of the public are being encouraged to respond to a Government consultation launched today (Friday 13 March).
The RTLC is the statutory body of Government that regulates, registers and licenses the transportation of passengers and goods by road. Its role is being reviewed by a Council of Ministers Committee as part of a commitment to explore ways of reducing costs and improving customer service by streamlining the number of separate Government entities.
The Modernising Ministerial Government Report published in December 2013 suggested that Government could provide a simpler and more efficient system if certain regulatory functions, including the RTLC, are brought together as a Fused Regulator.
The RTLC consultation document is available on the Government website at and people can provide their views by completing the online questionnaire or by printing and returning a paper copy to the Department of Infrastructure, Sea Terminal, Douglas. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Thursday 23 April.
Tim Crookall MHK, who is heading the Council of Ministers Committee, said: ‘It is important that we receive as much feedback as possible from the public and road transport industry. We want to ensure we have a detailed understanding of the issues facing users, drivers and operators of bus, coach, taxi, private hire vehicles, mini-bus and goods vehicles prior to making a firm decision on how these services will be regulated in the future. The consultation will help to gather information on how public safety can be maintained in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.’