Only four archers turned up at Onchan to take part in the Worcester shoot on Sunday morning. The round was shot as part of the Club’s Handicap League.
Sarah Rigby just missed out on a maximum score shooting 299 out of a possible 300. After the handicap was applied she took the overall win. Colin Moore suffered an unexpected miss but still managed to put in the second highest score of the day. After handicapping his overall score was good enough for third place. The last place on the podium was contested between father and son Danny Cowin and Jack Tyrer. Neither of them managed to better their pb for the round but Jack got closer to his and so secured second place after handicapping.
Thankfully a few more archers turned up for the afternoon’s Christmas Fun shoot. The usual fun targets were out, blackjack, connect four, the legendary balloon shoot and the arrow balancing championship. There was also a special bottle cap shoot for the juniors, which was won by Joseph Reaney. There was no positive result for the blackjack contest but Rhys Moore’s team won the connect four competition and Dave Moore triumphed in the balloon shoot. Sarah Rigby successfully defended her arrow balancing title but immediately handed over her medal to a delighted William Parkes who had been her main supporter during the shoot.
Results Worcester Handicap: - 1. Sarah Rigby 1439 (60/299/59), 2. Jack Tyrer 1428 (59/183/6), 3. Colin Moore 1422 (59/281/45), 4. Danny Cowin 1418 (60/245/19).

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