Sixteen club members turned out on Sunday to shoot a metric round as part of the Club’s Handicap league. The seniors shot on a triple face while the juniors shot on a single face.
It was nice to see sisters Aalin and Kirtsten George on Sunday, as their duties with Team GB frequently mean they are absent. Aalin recorded the highest scratch Compound score of the day but had to settle for joint second place after handicapping.
The highest recurve score of the day was shot by Karen Lott who added 4 points to her personal best for the round. After the handicap was applied Karen finished in seventh place.
James Hill shot solidly to finish in fourth place after handicapping but it was fellow junior Joseph Reaney who showed real character, not letting poor arrows put him off, he always refocused and shot the next arrow better. Not letting a bad arrow ruin the next one is the hardest thing to learn in archery. Joseph kept himself together to add 8 points to his pb for the round, which after handicapping was enough to take the win.
Josh Trafford, who was the recipient of the Raynor Shield, the GNAS Medal and the Geoff Corlett Memorial Trophy for most improved archer at the recent Club AGM, shot just below his best and took joint second place after the handicap was applied.
Results Metric Handicap – 1. J.Reaney 1469 (53/314/1)pb, 2. A.George 1441 (60/572/32), =2. J.Trafford 1441 (60/495/9), 4. J.Hill 1440 (43/239/1), 5. K.George 1436 (60/561/25)pb, =5. D.Moore 1436 (60/556/17), 7. K.Lott 1432 (60/533/13)pb, 8. J. Gough 1431 (60/546/13), 9. C.Moore 1430 (60/547/14), 10. P.Mumford 1423 (60/546/12), 11. B.Harris 1419 (59/500/11), 12. T.Young 1400 (53/268/0), 13. D.Cowin 1392 (56/452/11), 14. Bradley Layton 1388 (56/432/9).
Also shooting were Megan Noon and Carl Albrigt. Megan was shooting for the first time indoors and Carl for the second time. They both shot a Portsmouth round. Once they have shot three rounds each they will be given a handicap.
Results Portsmouth – Gents: C.Albrigt 60/396/5. Junior Girls: M. Noon 48/236/1pb.

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