
Ramsey Men's Dart League Report

by 30th October 2014

Week five of the ABLEC Ramsey Men’s Darts League saw a huge shock as the much fancied and much talked about Bar Logo A side lost their 100% record to the now waking giants the Central:

Bar Logo A 4 - 5 Central

The night was to change drastically by the end as the logo outfit set up a fine 2-0 and then 3-1 lead with wins by Ian Fields ( 4 tons ), Paul Arthur ( 7 tons 20dl ) and Alan Young ( 6 tons 17dl ).

Back came the Central with their wins going to Tony Kennish, Paul Allison ( 4 tons ) and Dave Simpson setting up the pairs games.

Aggie and Alan won the first one helped by the seasons fastest leg 14 darts but thats as far as the Logo's victories went as the experienced pair of Wooka and Robbie Crennell defeated arguably one of the best pairings in manx darts Ian Fields and Paul Kelly.

With the match poised at 4-4 the final game certainly was a nervous one with big scores very few and far between but the Central pairing of Mick Antrobus and Simmo won the game and the points for the Central.

Plough B 4 - 5 Traff

As I predicted this always had a 5-4 scoreline in it but what a comeback by The Traff who were 4-2 after the singles. I's great to see our young player of the year from last year finally showing us the form we all know he is capable of Tye Jones ( 5 tons ). The inspirational Jamie Kelly had an off night by his standards but 3 tons were enough to secure his great start to the year and with Mac MacDonald ( 3 tons 19dl ) and Jamie Leech backing him up they looked like they were cruising.

The Traf pair of Alan Kinrade ( 6 tons ) and S Christain winning their singles gave them a very slight glimmer of hope.

The pairs were to be oneway traffic as The Traf cruise home without losing a leg.

Mitre 3 - 6 Bar Logo

The Mitre are definately missing Glenn Charnock as they lost for the second week in a row.

The Logo crew fly into a 3-0 lead with Simon Griffin, Jamie Skillan and John Taylor recording 2-0 wins.

Roy Dunlop ( 4 tons including 2 x 180 ) and Stu Corlett make the game more respectable for Karl Joughins men but Dave Faragher makes it 4-2 at the end of the singles match ups.

Into the pairs and Dave Lee / JT pairing secured the points for the Logo boys.

Bar Logo AAA 0 - 9 Plough A

I predicted this game could be a 5-4 with the draw going the way of the Logo boys but even looking at the draw that transpired I would never have said a 9-0 demolition but such is the strength of Ali Edmunds men they only surrended one leg all night.  Amazing darts!

That leg went the way of their star man Jay Smith, even a 180 by Ross Walker couldn't secure him a leg against the finishing machine that is Gazza Uren who yet again wins the Paul Wheeler plumbing and heating highest finish but not happy with just a 100 finish he then goes better with a 114 finish plus 4 ton scores. Ollie Webster proved he deserves a slot in the singles with 3 tons.

Geoff Howland who is arguably one of if not the best player on the island at the moment showed more great stats this week 5 tons including his fourth 180 in just five weeks of darts.

Week 5 results. Bar Logo A 4 (I. Fields 95 2x100 121, P. Arthur 2x95 4x100 121 20dl 14dl, C. Hughes 3x100, A. Young 95 96 99 100 125 140 17dl 14dl, P. Kelly 98 100, M. Jelski 2x100 114), Central 5 (R. Crennell 121 140, T. Kennish 100 125, L. Chambers 2x100 180, P. Allison 95 3x100, D. Simpson 100 140 M. Antribus 139); Bar Logo AAA 0 (J. MacDonald 105 120, C. Higgins 3x100, A. Doddrell 100, R. Walker 121 180), Plough A 9 (S. Waters 100, O. Webster 100 101 140, P. Palmer 100 140, G. Howland 2x100 135 139 180, G. Uren 4x100 140 114f); Mitre 3 (D. Radcliffe 100, H. Christian 2x100 134, R. Dunlop 128 140 2x180, C. Joughin 140, S. Corlett 100 140), Bar Logo 6 (S. Griffin 98 100, J. Skillen 2x100, J. Taylor 95 100 123, S. Dalton 3x100, D. Faragher 100, D. Lee 109 117); Plough B 4 (T. Jones 96 3x100 140, D. Callow 140, J. Kelly 2x100, M. MacDonald 2x100 120 19dl), Trafalgar 5 (S. Radcliffe 99, A. Kinrade 5x100 135 140, M. Kinrade 100 140, S. Christian 100 129 144, J. Piekalns 4x100): The Paul Wheeler weekly highest finish was won by Gary Uren (Plough A) 114

Photo - Gazza Uren.  Courtesy of Tony Lloyd Davies.

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Thursday 30th, October 2014 11:35pm.

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