An initiative to encourage over-50s to stay fit has kicked off.
Walking Football will be held at the NSC every Tuesday lunchtime from 12 noon to 1pm.
A slower-paced version of the game, it’s targeted at those who wish to keep active in later years, are recovering from illness or who have been sedentary but wish to start a sport.
Walking Football sessions are organised by the Isle of Man FA with support from Manx Sport and Recreation and they are sponsored by Specsavers Opticians.
Lewis Qualtrough, Football Development Officer for the IoM FA, said: ‘It follows all the same rules of normal football apart from the fact you can only walk and not run. We run matches for individuals and five-a-side teams and anyone can turn up and play. Men and women alike enjoy it. Some participants are referred from health and charities.’
David Anderson MHK, Member of the Department of Education and Children responsible for sport, said: ‘People may, unfortunately, have to listen to their bodies and give up more fast-paced sports as they advance in years but there are innumerable health benefits in remaining active. Walking Football means they can continue to don their trainers and enjoy the challenge of a team sport played at a slower pace.’
Dudley Butt MLC, Member of the Department of Health and Social Care responsible for health, who remained a regular player at Laxey FC until well into his 50s, commented: ‘Those taking up exercise for the first time at 50+ or returning to activity after illness or injury will find Walking Football gives them the gentle workout they need.
‘Remaining active in later life can maintain a healthy heart, strengthen muscles, regulate blood pressure, reduce the risk of a stroke and lessen the chances of developing osteoporosis as well as releasing feel-good hormones that lower stress levels.’
To take part in Walking Football, turn up at the NSC on Tuesdays at 12 noon. Each session costs ?1. For more information, ring the Isle of Man FA on 613750 or email