At the recent Annual General Meeting of Ballamona Association for Mental Health George Waft the long standing Chairman stood down from the role he had occupied for 27 years, both George and his wife Lynn have served on the association for 44y ears however they have agreed to remain on the Management Committee.
In his place Hazel Hannan was elected as Chair of the Association.
Margot Dahn becomes Vice-Chair, Gill Caley continues as Treasurer, Mary Maylott remains the Secretary of the Association, Julie Bennion was elected Assistant Secretary and Sarah Christian continues as Assistant Treasurer.
Dr Chris Jagus was again elected as Patron, and Tom Cowell MBE continues as President of this important mental health charity.
The Charity's principal aim is to support Mental Health clients whether in Hospital settings or in the community, in recent times providing Sensory Room equipment in many units within the mental health service, specialist beds, televisions and garden furniture. In some of the units the Association provide art work to enhance the surroundings and improve the environment for clients. The Charity also supports ex Ballamona patients now living in the community with Christmas money and a Valentine Party.
The Association provides housing in the community and hopes in the near future to be in a position to purchase another property to assist people moving back into the community from a hospital setting.
At the end of the meeting the Chair thanked George and Lynn Waft for their dedication in the interests of mental health generally and their dedication and work on behalf of the Association.
Ballamona Association for Mental Health thanks it's supporters for their generosity for donating funds on a regular basis and everyone who has made bequests in the interests of supporting mental health clients.