The Environment and Infrastructure Policy Review Committee, a Standing Committee of Tynwald, will be taking oral evidence from the Minister of Infrastructure Mr Phil Gawne MHK. The Chief Executive of the Department, Mr Nick Black, will also participate along with Director of Highways Mr Jeffrey Robinson.
The session will be on Wednesday 23rd July 2014 at 10.30 am in the Legislative Council Chamber, Legislative Buildings, Bucks Road, Douglas. The evidence will be taken in public. Members of the public are welcome to attend and the proceedings will be streamed live via the Tynwald website. The main topic for discussion will be the road works on Peel Road.
The Environment and Infrastructure Policy Review Committee, comprising of Mr Dudley Butt MLC (Chairman), Mr Tony Wild MLC and Mr Zac Hall MHK, is one of three Standing Committees of Tynwald Court established in October 2011 with a wide scrutiny remit.