In line with their predicted plans for expansions, Expol Limited, a local company of Corporate Risk Consultants and Forensic Investigators recently welcomed a further addition to their team. Recently retired police sergeant, Dave Wood, now heads up ExpolCheck, the the pre-employment screening division of Expol. Mr Wood, a career Detective, spent 23 years in all plain clothes departments, the majority of which were as a highly successful Drug Squad officer. He received numerous commendations from the Courts and Chief Constables for his expertise and investigation into serious and complex crimes. Prior to his time in the police Mr Wood served with the Royal Marines.
Rob Kinrade, Director of Expol welcomed Mr Wood to the company, “when I learnt of Dave’s planned retirement it was clear we had to act swiftly to snap him up before somebody else did! Our expansion plans were focussed around our pre-employment screening Division, ExpolCheck, and we needed a Manager for that to ensure the premium quality, personalised service which we desired was achieved. Having worked with Dave for many years in the police as Detectives then he was always going to be an obvious choice to employ. He is a genuine all rounder, with a forensic eye for detail and excellent with clients. His appointment is a major step forwards for us as we seek to improve our service to existing clients and reach out to new ones”
Mr Wood said, ‘I always planned to retire at the end of 2013 but having been in organisations such as the Royal Marines and then the police it was quite a daunting experience having to step out of a secure environment into the private sector. The offer of heading the pre-employment screening division of Expol was one I never was going to refuse and I hope to make a serious contribution to the company going forwards. Since I started our client base has increased and with it the flow of new applications for screening enquiries. I would like to think that our work load reflects the apparent improving employment situation on island’.
Expol was incorporated in 2005 by David Bell upon his retirement from the police as a Detective Chief Inspector. Mr Bell recalled his previous connection with Mr Wood in the police, ‘Dave has an enviable CV and unrivalled investigative experience as a Detective. He has always had the willingness and ability to succeed and to integrate well with all parties. He was respected by his peers and supervisors alike. These attributes are transferrable to private sector employment and his skill set one which can only enrich what we are trying to achieve at Expol’
ExpolCheck was created as a subsidiary to Expol in 2008 with the aim of providing a service to employers wishing to carry out a full background screening enquiry into a prospective employee. Mr Bell continued, ‘Our screening report is compiled with the full consent of the applicant. We have made full use of the advice of the Data Protection Supervisor in designing our product and now our services are so much in demand that we have employed Dave Wood to oversee the operation and quality assure the work of our researcher and analyst. We feel the personalised service we offer exceeds the mere production of a computer print out or basic CRB check. We have a strategic network of partners, eager to contribute to our vision, who we can call upon to assist when we need them. They offer a local input and are able to add so much more to the enquiry. ExpolCheck is evolving rapidly with testimonials from clients all stating that they find our product detailed, timely and true value for money’
To know more about about pre-employment screening or any of Expol’s services please email or by telephoning 611190. Please visit the website