Malcolm Couch, the Isle of Man Government’s Chief Financial Officer, will be the guest speaker at the next Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Isle of Man branch event, to take place on 20th May at the Claremont Hotel in Douglas. In the seminar, open to ICSA members and guests, Mr Couch will explore “the policy aspects of developing a sustainable social security system for the Isle of Man”.
Malcolm Couch became Chief Financial Officer on 1 May 2013; the chief executive of the Isle of Man Treasury Department. The role of Chief Financial Officer is wide-ranging and incorporates supporting the Treasury and the Council of Ministers in leading the Island’s Government and, in particular, its management of external relationships; providing expert financial, fiscal and economic advice to the Treasury and Council of Ministers; and providing leadership, and setting the strategic direction for the Treasury, and maintaining its capability to respond effectively to changing circumstances and developments in Government policy as they occur.
Before becoming CFO, Malcolm was the Assessor of Income Tax of the Isle of Man for eight and a half years, and was responsible for all direct taxation and national insurance collection matters in the Island and internationally.
Malcolm has experience gained in a wide range of technical and managerial roles in both the public and private sectors: Inspector of Taxes in the UK Inland Revenue; tax partner with Pannell Kerr Forster; senior consultant with Ernst & Young; and, Oil Products Tax Manager of the North Latin America and Caribbean Region of Royal Dutch Shell.
Gillian Prestwich, ICSA IOM Chairman, commented: “We’re very much looking forward to welcoming Malcolm back for this seminar and we encourage people to book early as we are sure demand for places will be high.”
The event starts at 6pm for 6.15pm. Admission is free to members. Places for non-members (subject to availability) are ?20 each.
For booking online please visit . For further information about events or if you would like to be included on our emailing list then please contact icsa@manx