Links between the capitals of the Isle of Man and Jersey are all the stronger following a successful study visit by the Connetable (Constable) de St Helier Simon Crowcroft, who was accompanied by Procureur du Bien Public Peter Pearce, roads committee member Geraint Jennings and director of the technical and environmental services department John Stievenard.
The one-day visit came at the request of the Jersey delegation who had expressed a wish to learn more about the Douglas model of local government, the Council’s relationship with central government – notably moves to devolve greater responsibility to local authorities – and town centre regeneration. The agenda was shaped, explained Mr Crowcroft, by the prospect of municipal reform in Jersey, which had prompted a wish to explore how parish representatives might become more closely involved in the running of their towns.
Mr Crowcroft observed how waste management issues facing Douglas – in the main balancing environmentally responsible disposal against the need to drive down costs - mirrored those in St Helier and he praised the Council’s decision to site solar waste compactors at strategic points in the town. It was a litter-reduction measure as yet not adopted in Jersey but one worthy of serious consideration, he said.
Reflecting on the visit Council leader Councillor David Christian said: ‘Central to our discussions was town centre regeneration and how improving our respective capitals required not only investment but also vision to create an “experience” that went far beyond the retail. Indeed it was seeing the regeneration work being carried out in St Helier when I was part of a Manx delegation to Jersey in 2003 that made me all the more determined to drive forward the rejuvenation of Douglas’s town centre.
He continued: ‘Our links with St Helier were established in 2002 when we first welcomed a Jersey delegation led by Mr Crowcroft and discovered the largely similar challenges we faced. Those links have grown stronger over time and during this visit I was able to outline some key components of our updated corporate plan for 2013-2017. In doing so I pointed out that Douglas is currently the only local authority in the Island to have adopted such a document, one that ensures transparency and accountability in all that the Council does.’
Expanding on the positive outcomes of the visit he said: ‘It was not only members but also officers who found the sessions valuable, sharing experiences on matters as diverse as byelaws enforcement and the licensing of pavement cafes.’
Since Mr Crowcroft’s earlier visit a Douglas town centre manager had been appointed, prompting the Connetable to comment: ‘I was interested to note that the town centre manager’s front office enjoyed a “high street” presence which clearly made for easier engagement with the town’s retailers.’
Councillor Christian explained: ‘Since Douglas Development Partnership set up its office in Victoria Street and appointed a town centre manager relationships with the town’s traders have been reinvigorated. This has opened channels of communication and led to a genuine will to forge mutually beneficial partnerships.’
Mr Crowcroft concluded: ‘This study visit has proved of enormous benefit and highlighted how Douglas and St Helier share many common concerns, challenges and aspirations. We are extremely grateful for the warmth of welcome extended by Her Worship the Mayor and Councillor Christian, his fellow Members and officers of the Council. They have provided us with a wealth of information on which to reflect and I very much look forward to furthering these discussions and welcoming a Manx delegation to St Helier in the near future.’
Councillor Christian commented: ‘To have been able to share thoughts and experiences with the Connetable and his colleagues has been enormously beneficial, especially at this time of sweeping changes in the relationship between local and central governments and increasing demands on budgets already under pressure.
‘The visit has not only provided a solid platform on which to build closer ties with St Helier but has also served to reaffirm that this Council is set firmly on the right path to secure a resilient long-term future for Douglas.’
Photo - The Mayor of Douglas Councillor Carol Malarkey with Connetable de St Helier Simon Crowcroft, his fellow delegates, the mayoress Councillor Sara Hackman and Council members and officers. Picture Andrew Barton.