Managing International Tax and Regulatory Issues. This is the title of the panel discussion Mark Byrne of ICM Aviation will be joining at the NBAA Tax, Regulatory and Risk Management Conference in Las Vegas from 20–21 October. This high profile event is held in conjunction with the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Convention and Exhibition from 22-24 October. Mark will be joined by Angie Deady-Fiddler, Operations Manager for sister company Martyn Fiddler Associates Limited, based in London Stansted. They will take part in a panel discussion with five other business aviation experts, including US attorney Stewart Lapayowker, a regular visitor to the Isle of Man for the annual aviation conference that is organised by ICM Aviation and supported by the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry. Mark will bring to the panel many years of expertise, providing aircraft owners with tax efficient structures and VAT services, and Angie her widely respected knowledge of aviation customs and duty matters and in particular the EU aircraft importation (VAT) process.
The NBAA event follows on from a similar panel discussion at the first African Regional Symposium which took place in Marrakech from 26-28 September. The symposium was organised by Aeropodium in association with the African Business Aviation Association (AfBAA). The AfBAA announced its inauguration at EBACE in May 2012 and this was one if its first events. The AfBAA aims to support the emerging African business aviation sector by acting as its representative, producing quality research, and pressing for the adoption of industry best-practices in Africa.
Mark was invited to join the panel discussing aircraft ownership and gave us his comments after the event:
“It was exciting to be at AfBAA’s first event. It was a great success with more than 120 delegates from South Africa to Egypt, Morocco to Angola and beyond. Topics covered included infrastructure development, manufacturers’ support, safety, flight support and aircraft ownership. Apart from it being a great networking opportunity, a major plus was that the symposium was held at the stunning La Mamounia Hotel in Marrakech.
I made some good contacts at the conference and took the opportunity to invite Tarek Ragheb, Founding Chairman of the AfBAA, to be a speaker at our Isle of Man Aviation Conference on 19 June 2014. He has agreed in principle so we hope he can make it. It will be good for delegates to hear from Mr. Ragheb and also interesting for him to visit our world-class Aircraft Registry.”
The 4th annual Isle of Man Aviation Conference will take place at the Villa Marina in Douglas on Thursday 19 June 2014. Organised by ICM Aviation and supported by the Isle of Man Aircraft Registry, this has now become one of the key events in the business aviation calendar. In reference to the 2013 conference, delegate and President of TAG Aviation Europe, Aircraft Management and Charter Services, Graham Williamson, stated, “Great diversity amongst delegates, the one conference I will always try to attend”. The early bird delegate fee is ?195+VAT, increasing to ?250+VAT on 1st May. Registration for conference delegates is online at
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