The global e-gaming industry is meeting in Barcelona this week at the 12th European I-gaming congress and expo (EIG) and the Isle of Man will be well represented by our industry, supported by the Department of Economic Development.
Peter Greenhill will be attending his first EIG in his new role as Head of e-Gaming Development for the Department of Economic Development and is anticipating a successful event for the Isle of Man. He commented:
‘I am looking forward to working directly with industry to seek to attract further business to the Isle of Man.
‘The e-Gaming sector forms a significant part of the Isle of Man’s wider e-Business sector, which has grown rapidly over the last decade such that it now accounts for approximately 2000 local jobs and 13% of National Income. Over that decade we have developed world-leading capabilities in telecoms, data hosting, software development and related services. As a result, the Department is confident that e-Business will continue to be the key source of growth as we continue to attract new, dynamic e-Businesses as well as support our existing businesses to grow.
Events like EIG provide a vital platform for us to promote the Isle of Man’s success story and encourage others to participate in that success.
‘We recognise that the reasons for basing a business in a certain location are a complex matrix of many objective and subjective criteria. Cost is obviously a key element in the decision-making process. For example, cost-effective, high-quality power and telecoms capabilities are essential.
Increasingly, responsible operators and other successful businesses are also seeking a jurisdiction with an excellent international reputation, a can-do Government, a respected regulatory regime as well as an established network of businesses who can help any new business to reach its full potential. I believe the Isle of Man is strong in all these areas.
‘For example, companies running major poker networks, betting in running or live dealer sites cannot risk even the slightest possibility of downtime and the resultant effect of player confidence. This factor alone could swing a decision. We have proven capabilities to meet these needs.
‘Also the quality of life on the Isle of Man has been another positive factor that I have seen at first hand and also had cited to me by our largest gaming companies as why they are able to recruit and retain quality staff.
‘The relationship between the gaming industry and Government here is one that truly works and will be epitomised by the partnership approach that will be seen on the Isle of Man stand at EIG. Everyone is aligned with the objectives of growing the industry on the Isle of Man while also growing its reputation as a centre for responsible gaming and leading e-Businesses.’
The Department’s Political Member for e-Gaming Howard Quayle MHK added:
‘The e-Gaming team have a very busy schedule of meetings at EIG lined up and I look forward to hearing back from them about a successful event.
‘The Isle of Man has an excellent track record in applying pragmatic regulation with excellent consumer protection and this has become a key selling point. This is helping responsible, successful gaming companies to grow their reputation, their customer base and their revenues while also making a valuable contribution to the Isle of Man’s economy.’
Monday 7th, October 2013 01:46pm.