Leading fund and fiduciary services specialists, Abacus, will sponsor the 2nd Biennial European Funds: Future of Asset Management Conference organised by IBC Events, to be held on 5-6th December in Malta.
This year’s European Fund’s conference has been strategically timed to guide fund managers through the 2014 regulatory agenda. It will review the last six months, post-implementation of AIFMD and will discuss how the AIFMD is working in practice as well as the on-going challenges and opportunities predicted for 2014 under the UCITS banner.
As a leading fund services provider, Abacus has chosen to sponsor this year’s conference. Paul Kneen, Managing Director of Abacus Financial Services Limited in the Isle of Man and Abacus Fund Administration Limited in Malta, will be in attendance at the event and will be joined by General Manager of Abacus Fund Administration Limited, Mario Psaila.
Mr. Kneen said: “Over the last six months, fund managers have had to adjust to the implementation of new rules and regulatory restrictions placed on the European fund market. Directives such as the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (‘AIFMD’) implemented in July this year, have increasingly affected Alternative Investments Funds (‘AIF’) managers and their choice of domicile for investment funds as well as the way in which they continue trading and marketing these AIFs within the EU.
We are looking forward to being a part of such a respected and informative event, which will provide delegates with a valuable insight into the potential challenges and opportunities predicted for the industry over the next 12 months.
Abacus is well placed for the establishment and on-going operation of AIFs under these new directives and regulatory pressures. Having offices in both the Isle of Man and Malta; offshore and onshore; we are in a strong position to assist those affected by the AIFMD’s introduction.”
The conference’s programme will offer plenary technical and detailed presentations followed immediately by industry panel discussions and will focus on 5 key topics including; product regulation, capital markets, US regulation, product distribution and depositary liability.
The conference expects to see over 100 delegates ranging from alternative fund managers, fund service providers, investors, advisors, regulatory bodies and fund associations attend the event at The Hilton in St Julians Bay, Malta.
Photo - Paul Kneen