Robert Quayle, Chairman of AXA Isle of Man, the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company and former clerk of Tynwald, is to address the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators Isle of Man branch and guests on the 3rd October on the topic of ‘The Trials and Tribulations of a Non-Executive Director’. The event, at the Claremont Hotel in Douglas, is being sponsored by AXA Isle of Man.
Robert Quayle has recently been appointed Chairman of AXA Isle of Man where he has been a director for a number of years.
He qualified as an English solicitor at Linklaters & Paines in 1974 after reading law at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He subsequently practiced in London and the Isle of Man as a partner in Travers Smith Braithwaite. He served as Clerk of Tynwald for periods totalling 12 years and holds a number of public and private appointments, and is active in the voluntary sector.
Robert is also Chairman of Isle of Man Steam Packet Co Limited and he has recently retired as a Commissioner of the Northern Lighthouse Board. His other directorships include Ellan Vannin Fuels Limited as well as companies in the financial services sector.
Gillian Prestwich, ICSA IOM Chairman, comments that: “Mr Quayle’s breadth and depth of experience makes him excellently placed to give an insight to company secretaries from a NED’s perspective and we would encourage members and guests to book early for this event. We are very grateful to AXA Isle of Man for sponsoring this event too.”
The event starts at 6pm for 6.15pm. Admission is free to members. Places for non-members (subject to availability) are ?15 each.
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