Riva Financial Systems are celebrating after relocating its Isle of Man headquarters to accommodate further expansion and investment plans.
Riva Financial Systems Limited, the software company behind the pioneering global transfer agency solution Riva Transfer Agent, has announced today that is has moved its Isle of Man based headquarters from The Old Chapel, Union Mills, to a two-floor 5,500 square foot space in the new prestigious St George’s Tower building in Douglas.
Riva’s Sales and Marketing Manager Kelly Ashe said: “Riva Financial Systems are very proud to have succeeded in their ambition to invest in new modern office space and move to an attractive office premises with modern infrastructure. With the number of staff having increased by an average of 30 per cent per annum since 2007, the move was essential”.
The official office opening was held on Wednesday 18th September 2013 and was attended by a number of notable guests including Basil Fox, President of Franklin Templeton Investor Services, Ian Morley, founder and chairman of Wentworth Hall Consultancy Ltd, Hon. Eddie Teare MHK, Laurence Skelly MHK and Hon. John Shimmin MHK.
Hon. John Shimmin officially opened the office with an address to guests in which he recognised Riva’s commitment to the Islands economy, and gave praise for the fantastic new office space.
Riva’s Chief Executive Officer Mr Ghassan Hakim said: “The move to St George’s Tower reaffirms Riva’s strong commitment to the Isle of Man and allows us to effectively continue to pursue our growth plans; such a move could not have happened without the support of my fellow board members and the government’s effective and dedicated partnership with the private sector”.
In addition to thanking all employees for their individual contribution, Mr Hakim also expressed his thanks to local contractors Stewart Clague Services for skilfully executing the required interior remodelling and building works, and to Trevor Denning of Dalrymple Associates for the accomplished project management service provided. Gratitude was also expressed to Ian Fisher and Trevor Peace of Bridson and Horrox for their contribution.
Thanks to the combination of skills and services utilised throughout the project both internally and externally, Riva Financial Systems has successfully created a stunning working environment for all employees.