The Communications Commission has today published its Response to Consultation and Decision on the licensing of 4G mobile communications services in the Isle of Man.
While 2G mobile introduced customers to texts and emails from their phones, and 3G supported smartphones and data, 4G is ideally suited for high-bandwidth data services, such as live TV or streaming high quality video. The introduction of 4G mobile is particularly suited to the provision of better mobile data services, faster speeds and improved quality of service, which means that, potentially, broadband delivered over mobile networks could be as good as or, in some circumstances, even better than broadband delivered over the fixed network.
An operator seeking to offer 4G mobile needs to have a Telecommunications Act communications provider licence issued in the Isle of Man, which allows it to offer mobile services on the island, and a Wireless Telegraphy Act licence issued by Ofcom in the UK, which allows it to use specified spectrum bands.
The Commission has decided to award up to three 4G telecommunications licences. In order to apply for a 4G licence, an applicant should be able to confirm that it has previously had significant involvement in the launch and/or operation of mobile telecommunications systems, and that it will have access to sufficient capital to launch and operate a new 4G network in the Isle of Man. Potential applicants are required to register with the Commission their intent to submit a bid by 24 September 2013. Completed applications must be submitted by 10 October 2013.
An Application Package is available to potential applicants on request from the Commission, by emailing
Chairman of the Commission, Hon. Juan Watterson MHK said:
“The Commission has moved quickly to set out its strategy for 4G, and now invites applications for the new licences. The early introduction of 4G on the island will be good news for businesses and consumers, who will be able to take full advantage of advanced 4G services.”