Inspired individuals wishing to apply to participate in the Isle of Man Grand Challenge are being reminded that the closing date for applications, July 31st 2013, is approaching.
Sponsored by PokerStars, the Isle of Man Grand Challenge will offer two people the opportunity of facilitating the development of advancing technologies and applying them to address one or more of humanity’s grand challenges.
They will be rewarded with a place each at Singularity University’s week- long Executive Programme in December 2013. The $25,000 total prize also includes flight and accommodation expenses.
Singularity University is where many of technology’s top thinkers work and exchange ideas with the world’s leading scientists, innovators and philanthropists, charged with finding technological solutions to the world’s great challenges.
Participating on the Executive Programme at the Singularity University in California will enable the two winners to keep pace with accelerating change and understand how emerging technologies will impact industry. They will also have the chance to meet top visionaries, and venture capitalists.
Applicants need to be classified as ‘Isle of Man Workers’ and ideally based in the Isle of Man. You may choose to submit an application as an individual or as a representative of a group.
Details on how to apply for the Isle of Man Grand Challenge are available at or or can be requested from Dr Ken Milne, Department of Economic Development by email at