Moore Stephens Isle of Man, leading providers of multi-sector accountancy, consultancy and wealth management services is pleased to announce that Rosie Rowlands has been appointed a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (“ACCA”) Network Panel. Rosie’s role will include liaising with other panel members to review various aspects affecting financial services and other areas of professional development that affect the businesses on the Isle of Man.
“We are very proud of Rosie,” said Clive Dixon, senior partner in Moore Stephens Isle of Man, “she is passionate about what she does and about developing industry relations. Not only is she a great team player, but she is also a positive and motivated person - she will be a fantastic asset to the panel.”
Rosie has over 20 years’ experience in offshore financial services, fund accounting and investment analysis.
“This gives me an opportunity to give something back as well as being able to engage with ACCA on a different platform, expand my knowledge of the ACCA and provide input that will help to influence policy,” said Rosie Rowlands, financial controller in Moore Stephens Retirement Solutions, “as a member of the ACCA Isle of Man network panel, my role will be to represent ACCA members in the Isle of Man and to help shape and influence its activity as an ambassador for Moore Stephens Retirement Solutions and the ACCA.”
In her new role, Rosie will be attending the ACCA annual Member Engagement Conference in June. Rosie will join Isle of Man ACCA Network panel Chair Karen Muldoon, where they will join panel members from across the UK along with ACCA Council Officers and Senior Executive staff. This event provides an opportunity to receive strategy updates, learn from other regional members’ networks and input in to ACCA conversation through a number of workshops. This is a great opportunity to profile the Isle of Man to other ACCA members in the UK.
Moore Stephens Retirement Solutions provides multi-national organisations with international retirement benefit solutions for their International Mobile Employee communities. It also provides tailored third party administrator services to other trustees.
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Photo - Rosie Rowlands, financial controller in Moore Stephens Retirement Solutions.