The Civil Service Commission has appointed Nick Black to the post of Chief Executive, Department of Infrastructure. He will move to the Department of Infrastructure on the retirement of the current Chief Executive, Ian Thompson, who has led the Department since 2005.
Nick Black has been the Chief Executive of the Department of Community Culture and Leisure since 2010. His previous posts within IOM Government, which he joined in 2000, include Chief Health and Safety Inspector at the former DOLGE, secondment to the former Department of Transport, Director of Motorsport and Chief Operating Officer in the former Department of Tourism and Leisure and Chief Officer of the Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading.
Minister for Infrastructure, David Cretney MHK, commented:
“I am very pleased to be able to announce this appointment. Having worked with Nick Black at DCCL I believe he is a dedicated and conscientious officer who is well aware, as I am, of the challenges facing all Government Departments. He follows an excellent Chief Executive in Ian Thompson who together with his senior management team has been at the forefront of adapting to changed financial circumstances facing Government and has quietly been making the Department into a much more efficient organisation. I have led this politically with the support of my Departmental colleagues and that work continues. "
Nick Black added:
“I am looking forward to getting to know the Department and its staff and to keeping up the progress of the Minister’s priorities. I will be sad to leave the excellent teams at DCCL but am confident that my successor will have their full support.”