Minister for Infrastructure David Cretney MHK has welcomed two new Political Members to his Department.
Following changes to the Political Membership of Departments announced by the Chief Minister, Leonard Singer MHK and Laurence Skelly MHK have joined Infrastructure, replacing outgoing Members Howard Quayle MHK and David Callister, who earlier this year stepped down from the Legislative Council at the end of his term.
Mr Singer and Mr Skelly will work alongside the Minister and existing Members, John Houghton MHK and Richard Ronan MHK, who retain their previous areas of responsibility, with Mr Houghton now taking on delegated responsibility for Operations as well as Properties Division.
The new line-up with delegated responsibilities will be:
• Harbours and Airport Divisions – Minister Cretney
• Highways – Mr Singer
• Operations and Properties – Mr Houghton
• Health and Safety Inspectorate and Local Authorities – Mr Ronan
• Planning & Building Control Division and Chair of Planning Committee – Mr Skelly
‘I would like to thank Mr Quayle and Mr Callister for all their efforts in the last few years, and the terrific contribution both have made to the work of the Department,’ the Minister said. ‘Mr Callister was very supportive of the Outbound X-ray and Baggage Facility project, keeping on top of delivery dates, and he placed great importance on customer service matters at the Airport. He showed a keen interest in the safe and effective running of all of the Island’s Harbours, introduced a new Harbours Act in 2010 and commissioned the writing of the first new Harbour Byelaws for more than a century.
‘Mr Quayle was highly influential in ensuring that the Area Plan for the South progressed through Tynwald earlier this year and his other contributions to Planning are also worthy of mention. For the last 18 months Mr Quayle has been an able and enthusiastic Chair of Planning, as well as encouraging the progression of a number of key legislative projects, all of which will assist in the future development in the Isle of Man.
The Minister added: Mr Singer has a wealth of experience within many Government Departments from his long political career, while Mr Skelly has already proven himself since his election to the House of Keys in 2011, holding some key positions within Government, particularly in the Department of Economic Development, a post he has retained.
I am sure both Members will slot into Infrastructure with ease and bring tremendous insight to their areas of responsibility. The Department has several vital projects in progress, such as the Peel Road major maintenance scheme, and there are more to come, such as the all-Island Strategic Plan, including some internal restructure of the Department that will see the Divisions reduce in number and produce some significant efficiency savings on senior management posts I am confident that the team I have can achieve the aims of the Department, and meet the challenges it faces, in the years ahead. I have made the decision to take political responsibility for the Departments’ Airport and Harbours Divisions to lead the strategic review work, which will explore synergies and opportunities for consolidation within the two Divisions.
Tuesday 21st, May 2013 11:24pm.