The Select Committee of Tynwald on the Kirk Michael School Land Exchange will be taking oral evidence on Monday 20th May 2013 at 10.30 am in the Legislative Council Chamber, Legislative Buildings, Bucks Road, Douglas from Mr Charles “Buster” Lewin. The evidence will be taken in public; members of the public are welcome to attend.
On 20th November 2012 it was resolved by Tynwald:
That the Report of the Select Committee on the Kirk Michael School Land Exchange Agreement [PP No 0122/12] be not received and: (1) In the light of new evidence received in relation to rights over access routes, that the Committee review all matters pertaining to that evidence; (2) That the Committee seek clarification by way of public hearing of the matters raised from Heritage Homes and associated parties.
The Report referred to is available here:
And the November 2012 debate is here: