The Manx Insurance Association (MIA) has unveiled Pete Ashton as its new Secretary. Pete
has over 50 years experience in the life assurance business, of which the last 25 have been
based in the Isle of Man.
Pete’s career has seen him work in a Sales, Marketing and Technical Services capacity for
some of the Island’s largest life assurance offices. He worked for Allied Dunbar (now Zurich
International) for over 25 years, the last 8 of which were in the Isle of Man. After that Pete
spent 11 years with Scottish Provident International (now Royal London 360°) and then
finished his career at Friends Provident International, from where he has recently retired.
Pete takes over as Secretary of the MIA from Jim Hardie, who has been in the role since
1995. Pete said: “I’m delighted to accept the invitation to become Secretary of the MIA, I
know I have big shoes to fill following the hard work and committed service Jim has given the
MIA for many years, but I’m looking forward to this new challenge.”
Commenting on Pete’s appointment, MIA Chairman David Kneeshaw said: “The MIA plays
a leading role in promoting and raising the profile of the life assurance industry on the Isle of
Man and so I’m really pleased we have been able to appoint someone of Pete’s experience
and knowledge as our new Secretary. I’d also like to thank Jim Hardie for his many year’s of
dedicated service.”
Pictured: Pete Ashton, new Secretary of the Manx Insurance Association.