The Treasury’s annual Earnings Survey has found that average pay for full time employees rose by 1.8%, to ?612 per week, between June 2011 and June 2012. On average full-time employees worked 38.1 hours per week.
Amongst other results were that:
• median earnings (the earnings level which half of the full-time workforce exceeds) rose by 2.9% to ?512.
• Manx average earnings across the whole economy rose slightly more than in UK (1.8% compared to 1.4%) to now stand at 100.8% of the UK figure.
• there was a narrowing of wage differences between the sexes with the rates of average weekly earnings between males and females falling from 116.7% in 2011 to 115.4%.
• female average earnings are at 105.8% of those of the UK.
This document can be downloaded along with other key statistical data from the Isle of Man Government website ( Copies of the 2012 Earnings Survey are available free of charge from the Economic Affairs Division, Illiam Dhone House, 2 Circular Road, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1PQ (Tel: (01624) 685741; or e-mail: