Well-known civil servant Tim Craine is taking early retirement from his role of Director of Business Development with the Isle of Man Government’s Department of Economic Development.
Tim Craine said:
‘After a 34 year career in the Civil Service, with much of that time working very closely with the Island’s business community, I feel the time is now right for a change in my pace of life and perhaps other new challenges. I’m looking forward to the freedom to pursue some interesting personal and business opportunities after my departure from Government, some of which will mean I can continue to help grow the Island’s economy.
‘It is with very mixed feelings that I am leaving at this time. The Department has assembled a very capable team of individuals working on a wide range of very important business development initiatives. I believe that these will deliver real added value to the Isle of Man and, in very many ways, I will miss being part of that team. At the same time I believe this is the right move for me and I am confident the team will continue to support the Island’s economic success.’
Chief Executive Chris Corlett commented:
‘I would like to take this opportunity to thank Tim on behalf of the Government as a whole, particularly as Tim has been a great contributor to a wide variety of roles across a number of different Departments and no doubt will be missed by many. We all wish him the very best for the future.
‘I am confident that we have put in place appropriate plans to ensure the gap left by Tim will be adequately resourced within the Department so we continue to grow the Island’s economy.’
Tim Craine’s responsibilities will be divided as follows:
• Director of Financial Services John Spellman will take management responsibility for Country Strategy and business development relating to all financial and professional services.
• Director of Finance and Development Sheila Lowe will take management responsibility for the other areas of business development.
• E-Gaming Manager Ray Davies will be able to help with any E-Gaming enquiries.
• Development Manager Adrian Moore will lead efforts on the space sector.
Friday 8th, February 2013 01:50pm.