Bill Mummery, executive director of Celton Manx, has said that the conclusion, after four years, of the sponsorship agreement between the company’s global online sportsbook operation SBOBET and West Ham United will present ‘new opportunities’ for both parties.
His comments follow the football club’s announcement that it had signed with Alpari.
Mr Mummery, who concluded the SBOBET shirt sponsorship agreement with West Ham United in December 2008 said: ‘We have enjoyed a mutually beneficial relationship these past four years during which SBOBET and West Ham United have each gained a heightened level of global exposure, particularly in Asia. The time has now come for both parties to review and refresh their sponsorship programmes’.
‘During our long-standing association we have been pleased to have been aligned with a club respected for its professionalism. These past four years we have followed the fortunes of West Ham United closely and brought a new dimension to the club’s profile on and off the field. Additionally, as a business that takes its corporate social responsibilities extremely seriously, Celton Manx shared the club’s commitment to the Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK, a charity to which we have been proud to lend long-term financial support’.
‘This is an amicable parting that heralds change for both businesses. Change brings with it new and exciting opportunities and it is against this background that we wish all those at West Ham United with whom we have worked every success for the future’.