As the UK government puts forward plans for flat-rate state pensions, the Junior Chamber of Commerce Isle of Man are hosting a ‘Know Your Pension’ event on Tuesday 22nd January at the Palace Hotel where those attending will benefit from the best local knowledge and awareness of the options available.
The speaker, Stuart Clifford, a principal at Baker Tilly Isle of Man, the past chairman of the Isle of Man’s Association of Pension Scheme Providers and with over 24 years of industry experience is ideally placed to help us as to the best questions we should ask and the matters we should consider as we make some of the most important and fundamental decisions of our lives.
JCC IOM Chairman Chris Darnill commented: “Whether we are just starting out in our career, in the middle of our working life or reaching that time when we start to consider the day of retirement we will all ultimately rely on a pension. Although incredibly important to everyone they are often neglected and almost always do not receive the continued attention they deserve.
As with many things our pensions have been greatly affected by the recent global economic events. Final salary/defined benefits schemes, once commonplace, have now largely been closed for new joiners; this means we are all entirely reliant on the investment performance of the funds in the scheme. Interest rates are low and look to stay that way for some time, markets are volatile and scheme charges, often overlooked, can significantly dilute investment returns.”
So what should we do, what are our options, does the Isle of Man present advantages not fully utilised and what changes are expected in 2013 and beyond? To find out, book your place via the JCC IOM website visit their Facebook page at or you can register upon arrival.
When: Tuesday 22nd January 2013, 1830-1930 (Registration and buffet from 1800)
Where: The Cushag Suite, Palace Hotel, Douglas
Entry: ?10 each for JCC IOM members, ?15 each for guests, including buffet.
Booking: Download and complete the booking form from