The Best Western Palace Hotel & Casino is delighted to announce that it has raised ?5,222 for its chosen charity for 2012, the Isle of Man Parkinson’s Disease Society.
The hotel hosted a variety of fundraising events, including an Adele tribute night, its annual Midsummer Ball and a Swimathon, all of which were greatly supported by the public. Further funds were realised by staff taking part in this year’s Parish walk and several collection boxes around the hotel have raised a considerable amount of money towards the total.
A cheque was presented to representatives of the Isle of Man Parkinson’s Disease Society during the charity’s Christmas lunch at the hotel on Tuesday, December 18.
Pamela Shimwell-Mayo, founder and chairman of the society, said: ‘We are incredibly grateful to everyone at the Palace for choosing us as their charity for 2012, and for all of their efforts in raising such a fantastic amount of money. It will make a huge difference to the charity, and to the people that it helps.’
Sefton Group Director of Hotels & Leisure Adrian Brockhouse said: ‘The Parkinson’s Society does vital work on the Island, both supporting ongoing research and helping those who suffer from Parkinson’s Disease.
‘We are so pleased to have been able to support such a worthwhile cause, and I would like to extend my thanks to everyone involved in making it possible for the hotel to present the charity with this donation.’
Parkinson’s Disease is a progressive neurological illness affecting movement such as walking, talking and writing. The Isle of Man Society was established in 1989 as a Manx-registered charity to support research into the cause of the illness and assist Island residents who suffer from the condition.
The Isle of Man Parkinson's Disease Society meets in the Shearwater Suite at the Best Western Palace Hotel & Casino on the fourth Tuesday of every month. For more details about the charity, please contact Pamela Shimwell-Mayo on 897504.