John Spellman will give an address on “The Changing International Agenda and the Positioning of the Isle of Man” as part of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) IOM regular series of events, on Tuesday 08 January, 6.15pm at the Shearwater Suite, Palace Hotel, Douglas.
John Spellman is a qualified accountant and banker, he has a wealth of experience in both the UK and offshore financial sectors. He has operated at a senior level for many years holding a variety of specialist and large operational roles.
Former Managing Director HBOS Financial Services (an operating division of Halifax Bank of Scotland), John was responsible for the highest selling life insurance entity in the UK (employing some 3,000 people with c?40bn under management).
John built his international experience whilst spending his first 15 years of his career in banking, fund management and accountancy specialising in the various parts of the offshore industry. With his very strong financial background, and in additional to managing a number of businesses, he has also held a variety of specialist roles including Programme Director, Finance Director and Commercial Services Director. All these roles were within the business during a time of tremendous growth. He also was a Board member of the hugely successful Halifax General Insurance business until 2006.
He has wide experience liaising with Government regulators and held Approved Person status with the FSA. John has a specific brief to review and advance the strategic plans and operational deployment of the division. His role covers the promotion and marketing of the following sectors:
- Banking & HNW
- Insurance (including Captive, Life and reinsurance)
- Funds management and administration
- Fiduciary and corporate service provision.
Admission is free to members. Places for non-members (subject to availability) are ?10 each. For booking (please confirm member/non-member) and for further information about events or if you would like to be included on our emailing list then please contact
Please note the ICSA Isle of Man branch will be holding their AGM (members only) prior to this presentation so access to the Shearwater Suite will not be available until the completion of AGM business.