It’s D-Day for energy consumers today (Fri) as increased gas and electricity prices take effect.
Massive price hikes will mean September 1st could be a date to remember as many critics say this will lead to increased levels of fuel poverty in the Island.
Kate Skinner reports:
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Manx Gas announced earlier this week it would increase the cost of LPG by nearly 6%.
Overall, natural gas users in the Douglas, Onchan, Union Mills and Glen Vine areas will face price rises of between 7.8% and 11.9%
And that’s not all - the Manx Electricity Authority is raising its prices by 14?% as of today.
The Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading is expected to make a statement early next week after its investigation into the rising energy prices.
It’s been announced a Government Task Force is to be set up to address the issue of spiralling energy costs.
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