The Financial Supervision Commission has sounded a warning on what could possibly be a so called " advance fee fraud".
The two names to watch out for, they suggest, are Mr James Bruce and Mr Martin Wood.
Emails have been received by members of the Public purporting to have been sent by those two named individuals.
Within certain emails the above named individual, Mr James Bruce claims to be the “Chief Executive” for HBSOC Plc, “located in the Isle Of Man”. The email seen by the Commission refers to “a possible business deal involving money transfer of ?30 Million (sic)”.
Within further emails the above named individual, Mr Martin Wood, claims to be the “Auditor General” for Bank of Scotland Plc. The email seen by the Commission states that the sender is wishing to “make a transfer involving huge amount of money (sic)” and is “looking for someone to trust who will stand to receive the money.”
The emails give an address for the senders of P.O. Box 19., Bank of Scotland House, Prospect Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM99 1AT.
The Commission wishes to draw attention to the usual observations regarding the aforementioned emails in regard to their vailidity. They urge caution and point out that there is a genuine holder of an Isle of Man Banking Licence called Bank of Scotland International Limited with a genuine address of PO Box 19, Bank of Scotland House, Prospect Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM99 1AT. Details of all licenceholders of the Commission are available on our website
Enquiries by the Commission have established that there is neither a James Bruce nor a Martin Wood now or formerly employed by the genuine Bank of Scotland International Limited.
Wednesday 6th, September 2006 11:27pm.