There are now less than 11 weeks to go until one of the highlights of the Christmas sporting calendar, the Mann & Partners Millennium Way Relay (also incorporating a separate cycle ride), which takes place on Tuesday 26th December. Entry forms are now available for this traditional and very popular event.
The race starts at Sky Hill, Ramsey, and teams of four run the Millennium Way in a relay to finish at Castletown Square. In addition, cyclists run the first leg of the route to Brandywell Road, and then complete the course on two wheels. In order to give everyone an equal chance of winning, teams are handicapped with the slowest team starting first at 9.30am. Individual cyclists who are not part of a team will start together at 10.00am.
The four legs of the relay vary in both distance and terrain. The toughest and longest is the first leg from Sky Hill to Brandywell Road, whilst the second leg from Brandywell to Crosby is rough in places but largely downhill with the exception of the climb out of the Baldwin valley. The third leg from Crosby to St Marks is the shortest of the four and is all on the road but predominantly uphill, whilst the fourth and final stage from St Marks to Castletown is mainly flat but can be very boggy in places. Minimum ages for competitors on each of the four legs are 18, 17, 15 and 17 respectively.
You do not have to be a regular athlete to compete in this fun event, indeed newcomers are strongly encouraged to take part. Why not get a team together from work or a club, for example?
Entry forms and further information regarding all aspects of this popular event, including route details and event rules, are available for download at Forms are also available from Bikestyle, Bucks Road, Douglas, or from Ballakermeen Stores, Westbourne Drive, Douglas. Alternatively, contact David Griffiths on 801341 or Paul Jackson on 487873.
Thursday 12th, October 2006 12:15pm.