Two more Isle of Man sports stars have been placed on United Kingdom World Class Performance Programmes.....bringing the total number receiving funding to eight.
The latest beneficiaries are Shooter Tim Kneale and Badminton player Matthew Wilkinson.
Nineteen year old Matthew has been awarded substantial assistance through the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme. The TASS programme is funded by the UK Government and helps those in full-time education who are just below the rquirements for lottery funding.
He is currently studying at Sheffield Hallam University and will receive coaching, strength and conditioning training....and medical support.
Tim Kneale has been awarded a place on the World Class Development programme for target shooting. The programme is run under the control of the UK National Performance Director and is aimed at developing potential talent for the Olympics in Beijing in 2008 and London in 2012. Tim is already established in the Great Britain team and will now receive financial assistance towards his training and competition costs, as well as a small financial grant.
Tim spoke to Manx Radio's Kate Skinner a few weeks ago at the launch of the Isle of Man Sports Institute. He graduated from university in July and explained he wanted to further his career by staying in the UK. At the time, he wasn't sure whether funding would be forthcoming:-
Picture 1 - Tim Kneale
Picture 2 - Matthew Wilkinson
Picture 3 - Manx flag
Wednesday 8th, November 2006 08:16pm.