
More finds expected at Ronaldsway site

by 27th June 2008
A picture is continuing to emerge of what took place 5,000 years ago at the recently-discovered Ronaldsway Neolithic site.

Two human skulls, pieces of burnt pottery and five metre diameter stone rings, again with burnt material inside, suggest the practice of both burial and cremation, according to Oxford Archaeology's Fraser Brown

He says work has gone well in the first week and they should be finished on schedule at the end of next month.

He is also confident the team will unearth more of the site's secrets in that time (audio file attached):

Fraser Brown was talking to Edward Oldham on Mandate PM.

(Picture: One of the two skulls emerging from the excavation site at Ronaldsway).

Posted by
Friday 27th, June 2008 08:40pm.

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